425 vibrant series
The "425 Vibrant Series" consists of the Titanhunter M95 425, Titanhunter S90 425, the Titanhunter 425, the Companion 425, and the Classic 425. These five flagship slingshot model variants are each wrapped in 425 Type II Paracord, which is made up of three inner strands and has a tensile strength of 425lb. Importantly, 425 Paracord is 3mm in diameter: a step down from the 4mm diameter of its bigger brother, 550 Type III MIL-C-5040 Paracord.
As a wrap, 425 Type II Paracord provides a heartier grip than 275 Paracord with less prominent ridges than 550 Paracord, retaining its insulative properties and mitigating the high thermal conductivity of the underlying aluminium core. In other words, the 425 keeps your hands cool in the summer and warm in the winter, whilst also wicking away moisture that could compromise grip.
So, what's so vibrant about the "425 Vibrant Series?" The colours, of course! For a limited time only, we are offering 425 Type II Paracord wraps in black, ultra neon green, ultra neon pink, and dark cyan. Get yours while supplies last!